3 Months back my daughter(age: 10 months) suffered from Diarrohea.
She was having continous motions. We consulted doctor and he was mentioning to give only ORS(Oral Rehydration Salts - Recommended by W.H.O for Diarrohea) and food(what ever she eats). I searched Internet and I couldn't find any medicine. But the motions were not stoppable. Doctor was mentioning that it will continue for another 2 or 3 days, but not to stop the ORS. We have admitted in the hospital and have given the Fluids because she is not driking the ORS after some time.
Later after a day, one of my cousin mentioned to take some ayurvedic medicine from ARYA VAIDYA SALA - Kottakkal. She has given the below medicine.
Rajyadimastaka churnam - below one year
Dadimastaka churnam - after one year
And we have tried to give some food.
Interestingly with in 2 hours, motions got reduced. And my baby suddenly got Active and started playing. Its really a happy moment after she has become Active.
But still we have continued the ORS because that is the main medicine to decrease the Diarrohea. Even Ayurvedic doctor also mentioned the same thing.
Note: This has worked for my daughter, but still consult both the doctors.
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